Hands Creek Farm
Property Owners Association

This site is intended for current and prospective homeowners of the Hands Creek Farm Property Owners Association (HCFPOA), located in the Northwest Woods section in the Town of East Hampton, NY.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please reach out to us at hcfpoa@gmail.com

Hands Creek Farm Property Owners Association, Inc. filed as a Domestic Not-for-Profit Corporation in the State of New York on Monday, August 24, 1981, as recorded in documents filed with New York Department of State. The property comprises 76 homeowner lots, spread across 181 acres of rolling woodland, just a few minutes drive from the Village of East Hampton.
For specific details regarding the HCFPOA Covenants & Restrictions (C&Rs) and community By-Laws, please refer to the General Information section of this website.

The mission of the HCFPOA Board of Directors, who shall be elected as provided in the By-Laws, is to promote the common interests of the property owners and the general management of the affairs of the Association.
Get In Touch
Contact us at hcfpoa@gmail.com
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